Archive for 18/04/2014

One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World?

ID-100236071 Hailed as the latest technological advance that could revolutionise development and agriculture (along with other sectors), “big data” has been the focus of several recent articles, most notably a series of articles published by SciDev.Net. In June 2013 a UN High level panel called for a “data revolution” emphasising the need for better data to track progress towards development goals. But what is big data and how can it aid poverty and hunger eradication?

Big data is not just large amounts of information but rather it’s about integrating infrastructure to collect data at every step of the development process and designing new data collection methods that can track development goals effectively. In particular, big data is being hailed as the big fix for the lack of reliable official statistics in developing countries. But there is no clear (agreed upon) definition of big data, one article stating “it is data…

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Hotels for the Discerning #5

5 star comfort

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Susan Rushton

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Rambling in the Garden

.....and nurturing my soul

The Interpretation Game

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Deep Green Permaculture

Connecting People to Nature, Empowering People to Live Sustainably


A girl and her garden :)