Archive for 06/04/2014

One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World?

indexCover Half of the world’s population is under 25. 1.8 billion people are between the ages of 10 and 24, the largest youth population the world has ever seen, 85% of which live in developing and emerging economies. In Uganda for example, 50% of the population is under the age of 15. While on the one hand such a large youth population is viewed as a challenge, of employment, of education and of population growth, this group also has significant potential to innovate and change the world for the better.

The first ever Youth Wellbeing Index, developed by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the International Youth Foundation (IYF), compares how youths are faring across six key areas: citizen participation, economic opportunity, education, health, ICT and safety and security. For each area, indicators around the enabling environment in which youth live and participate, youth outcomes, and youths’…

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Some beautiful creations (man made and natural) all from wood.

‘Garden Art’?

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Old School Gardener

Finding Nature

Nature Connectedness Research Blog by Prof. Miles Richardson

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Susan Rushton

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